Other Information

Zonewise Area, Population, Density and Decadal Growth of SMC

Area, Population, Density, Growth Rate, Slum House Hold & Population

Area, Population, Density, Growth Rate, Slum House Hold & Population
Zone Area Sq.Km. Population Density per Sq.Km. Decade Growth  2001-2011
( % age) 
As per House listing  -   CENSUS: 2010
Details  of  Slum Total No. of census Houses Wholly residential Partly residential Vacant Houses Census houses put to other uses Total num. of House Hold
2001 Census *2011 Census Slum House Hold Slum Population
1 Central 8.18 413641 408760 49971 -1.18 9889 49323 153638 77666 4574 21171 50227 80939
2 South West 111.912 242466 347447 3105 43.30 7502 33982 114734 71119 1162 25996 16457 72437
3 South 61.764 407980 695028 11253 70.36 17887 76025 251079 165162 2738 48001 35178 167629
4 South East 19.492 397257 748304 38390 88.37 30051 147050 221643 152624 3257 26773 38989 155732
5 East 37.525 711516 1137138 30303 59.82 21334 90992 313105 233164 1785 27853 50303 234327
6 North 36.363 416370 705163 19392 69.36 13541 58293 201978 140743 1190 34940 25105 141898
7 West 51.279 287144 424986 8288 48.00 5665 25993 130068 91695 1166 24772 12435 93344
TOTAL 326.515 2876374 4466826 13680 55.29 105869 481658 1386245 932173 15872 209506 228694 946306

* Detail Population of Enumaretion Block of Census - 2011 is not available So Zone wise Population is approximate.