नोट: वर्तमान में हिंदी में कुछ सूचना / दस्तावेज उपलब्ध नहीं हैं, यह जानकारी / दस्तावेज अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध है, हिंदी विवरण तैयार होने के बाद यह जल्द ही अपडेट हो जाएगा।, यह जल्द ही अपडेट हो जाएगा।
The English cemetery which is situated outside the city-wall (which was known as 'Alampanah') near the Katargam Gate reminds the visitor eloquently of many a famous names in the historical narratives of the English factory ...
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The Surat castle is one of the ancient monuments of 16th century existing in the city and bears a significant relevance to its history. However, such a great fortification built to provide the citizens of Surat with an adequate ...
The Building which is used at present as an office complex by Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) is one of the ancient monuments of Surat city and was built originally as a 'Sarai' or Musafarkhana (travellers' inn)...
Of the Islamic monuments for mosques are worth visiting. The Nausaiyid Mosque stands on the west bank of the Gopi Lake. Besides the mosques are nine warrior's tombs. The Saiyidd Idrus Mosque (1639) has a tall minaret,...